Jul 14, 2021
Up to 10W/cm² in UVA, UVB, UVC or Visible – Single Channel Radiometer (more…)
- Used in curing applications of inks, adhesives, solder masks, and epoxies (not for use in web press applications)
- Incorporates one UV spectral response range
- Display provides readout of total UV dosage in Joules/cm2 and peak UV intensity in Watts/cm2
- Measures UV lamp performance
- Compares the efficiencies of different UV curing systems
- Includes carrying case
Operating Ranges:
High Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV: 100-10000 mW/cm²
- UVC: 10-1000 mW/cm²
Mid Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV: 10-1000 mW/cm²
- UVC: 1-100 mW/cm²
Low Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVC, UVV: 1-100 mW/cm²
UviCure Plus II Brochure
UviCure Plus II Profiler Brochure
Jul 14, 2021
EIT’s MicroCure® measurement system is comprised of two separate stand-alone items; the data collection radiometer which is placed in the ultraviolet (UV) environment to be measured, and a DataReader which reads and displays the measurement results from the radiometer.
The UV integrating radiometer is a microprocessor-based, electro-optical instrument that measures and accumulates the total UV energy that is applied to the measurement surface of the instrument. The MicroCure® radiometer measures the total amount of UV energy that would be impinged on a work piece passing through the curing system and the peak UV irradiance. The radiometer combines very small physical size and adaptability to address a variety of demanding physical and thermal measurement environments.
Small Size: 1.3” x 0.95” x 0.25”
Lightweight: 0.33 ounces
Measures total energy density in Joules/cm²
Measures peak power density in Watts/cm²
Battery powered
High sample rate: 2000 Samples per second
Automatic operation
High temperature resistance
UV systems requiring small size and automatic operation
Small container curing (bottles, cans, etc.)
Three-dimensional objects
Web printing
Very small conveyorized and batch applications (semiconductor printing, small part bonders, etc.)
Statistical Process Control measurements
MicroCure Technical Specifications
Jul 14, 2021
Up to 10 W/cm² (3 measurement power ranges available), Selectable 4 channel, 250-445nm, available in either Standard version that allows display of data on unit LCD display only, or Profiler version that transfers the data including the irradiance profile to a computer. (more…)
- Used in curing applications of inks, adhesives, soldermasks, and epoxies (not for use in web press applications)
- Incorporates four separate spectral response ranges and measures all four simultaneously
- Display scrolls through UV dosage in Joules/cm2 and peak UV intensity in Watts/cm2 of all four separate UV spectral response ranges
- Measures UV lamp performance (and possible bandwidth shift for doped lamps)
- Compares the efficiencies of different UV curing systems
- Includes carrying case
- Profiler version utilizes EIT’s UV PowerView Software® III that allows for further analysis, comparison and evaluation on a PC.
Operating Ranges:
High Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV: 100-10000 mW/cm²
- UVC: 10-1000 mW/cm²
Mid Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV: 10-1000 mW/cm²
- UVC: 1-100 mW/cm²
Low Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV, UVC: 1-100 mW/cm²
PowerPuck II /UviCure Plus II Brochure
PowerPuck II Profiler /UviCure Plus II Profiler Brochure
Jul 14, 2021
The ILT800 CureRight is a feature-rich profiling UV radiometer that delivers unmatched flexibility and capability not found in any other system. With a 4.5 decade Detection Range (5 mW/cm² to 40 W/cm²), the ILT800 Radiometer meets a broad range of applications across a variety of light measurement needs. The system has been designed with the varying needs of its users in mind, and can be configured and customized to your unique environment.
The ILT800 CureRight series is designed to measure and validate all types of UV curing methods and sources including conveyor, belt, oven, flood, area, spot, fiber optic, collimated beam, side cure, 180° curing, 3D printing, pulsed and traditional UV lamps, and UV/VIS LEDs & light sources.
The ILT800 CureRight system outperforms the competitors with features such as profiling of current/previous/stored measurements, ability to monitor, measure, view and export the date, time, temperature, irradiance, dose, cal due date, model and serial number, and battery status. User programmable settings include minimum light level threshold, lamp-to-lamp measurement interval (delay), time to auto shutoff, and auto/manual/live measurement modes. The ILT800 is the only radiometer with Device ID which allows users to program up to 20 unique system/source information, allowing users to store and export baselines and historical data for all their curing stations in one economically priced meter. (more…)
- Largest measurement range at 4.5 decades
- 5 mW/cm² to 40 W/cm²
- Effortless results, clear data, easily identifies problem
- Profiling is standard
- 3000 samples per second
- Integration for up to 10 minutes
- Measure pulsed and continuous sources
- Store/Recall up to 1000 profiles
- Mapping: face horizontally, vertically, up or down
- Linear response- no range selection required
- Temperature measurement
- Low battery warning
- Made in USA
- ISO17025
Documents & Dowloads:
Jul 14, 2021
The UV4244 Puck Radiometer Light Guide Fixture allows the measurement of light output from either an arc lamp spot curing system light guide or an LED style light guide using any of the EIT puck style radiometers (UVICURE Plus II, UV Power Puck II or LEDCure). This fixture is ideal for use in the following cases:
- Measurement of either UVB or UVC output of a broad-spectrum arc lamp spot curing system (EIT no longer offers a SpotCure model radiometer to measure either UVB or UVC wavelengths).
- Measurement of 365, 385, 395 or 405nm LED spot curing system light output (EIT does not offer a SpotCure style radiometer to measure any of these “UVA” LED wavelengths).
- Measurement of multiple wavelength bands of either an arc lamp or LED type light guide output using a single radiometer e.g., Power Puck II for broad spectrum arc lamps, or LEDCure Profiler Four Band puck for narrow spectrum LEDs (the EIT Spotcure radiometer can only measure a single wavelength band).
- Measurement of arc lamp or LED light guide output at a variable distance from the guide output tip (the EIT SpotCure radiometer only measures light guide output irradiance at zero distance).
The fixture ships with two different adapter plates for locating the light guide tip over the desired area of the radiometer sensors window. The UV4248 plate has its chuck mounting hole centered over the photo-diode sensors window to allow simultaneous measurement of all 4 light bands by multi-band radiometers (e.g., the Power Puck II or the LEDCure four band radiometer). The UV4249 plate has its chuck mounting hole offset to one corner for centering the light guide tip over a single photodiode sensor, allowing for peak light output measurement of a single light band by single or multiband radiometers (see attached image).
Supported Light Guide Types
The fixture is available with 3 light guide holding chuck collet sizes to accommodate various light guide handle sizes:
- UV4244-10 = 10mm: UV0570, UV0571 & UV0572, 5mm Liquid Core
- UV4244-12 = 12mm: UV0765, UV0766 & UV767, 5mm Fiber Core, UV0768, UV0769 & UV770, 8mm Fiber Core, UV4054-365C, -385C, -395C & -405C, LED
- UV4244-15 = 15mm: UV0774, UV0775, UV776 & UV1195, 8mm Liquid Core
For other light guide types or additional optional sized collets, contact us for more information.
Jan 3, 2025
EIT’s MicroCure® measurement system is comprised of two separate stand-alone items; the data collection radiometer which is placed in the ultraviolet (UV) environment to be measured, and a DataReader which reads and displays the measurement results from the radiometer.
The UV integrating radiometer is a microprocessor-based, electro-optical instrument that measures and accumulates the total UV energy that is applied to the measurement surface of the instrument. The MicroCure® radiometer measures the total amount of UV energy that would be impinged on a work piece passing through the curing system and the peak UV irradiance. The radiometer combines very small physical size and adaptability to address a variety of demanding physical and thermal measurement environments.
Small Size: 1.3” x 0.95” x 0.25”
Lightweight: 0.33 ounces
Measures total energy density in Joules/cm²
Measures peak power density in Watts/cm²
Battery powered
High sample rate: 2000 Samples per second
Automatic operation
High temperature resistance
UV systems requiring small size and automatic operation
Small container curing (bottles, cans, etc.)
Three-dimensional objects
Web printing
Very small conveyorized and batch applications (semiconductor printing, small part bonders, etc.)
Statistical Process Control measurements
MicroCure Technical Specifications
Jul 14, 2021
SpotCure ® UV Intensity Meter
The SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is an easy, portable, effective method of quantifying UV output in spot systems. It is the standard to which small area and spot curing processes are established, validated and verified. The SpotCure can also be used to evaluate different equipment. In a production environment, the Spotcure can be used to:
- Monitor UV spot curing system performance
- Measure individual UV lamp performance
- Measure light guide degradation and/or contamination
- Optimize light guide positioning
- Meet quality requirements
The SpotCure is:
- Compact in size and easy to use
- Portable and an electro-optic based instrument
- Self-contained without having to manage cords and/or connector cables
- Battery powered with a long lasting battery (> 100,000 readings)
- Able to accept multiple light guide sizes with the three included adaptors
The SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is designed to provide the operator with instant feedback on the performance of the spot curing system. Its compact, flashlight-like shape (4.60” long by 1.74” diameter) can comfortably be gripped in one hand. The measurement head which contains the optics, is attached to one end of the cylindrical instrument. Light guide adapters that fit into the measurement head are available to fit most size light guides.
The Standard Range supports intensities up to 20W/cm² and the Extended Range supports intensities up to 100W/cm². A protective carrying case is included. (more…)
SpotCure Brochure
Jul 14, 2021
The EIT PowerMAP II is a Profiling Radiometer that provides the irradiance (W/cm²), energy density (J/cm²), irradiance profile (Watts/cm² as a function of time) and temperature profile (°C as a function of time) in a new instrument from EIT. This compact, one-piece instrument is 60% smaller than the original EIT PowerMAP and measures UV in four (UVA, UVB, UVC, UVV) EIT spectral regions. The product features larger internal memory for more data gathering, and rapid transfer of data to our new UV PowerView Software III graphic data analysis program via USB interface.
Profiling Radiometers such as the UV PowerMAP II provide an extensive “picture” of the UV source(s) and how the UV is delivered to the cure surface. The irradiance (W/cm²), energy density (J/cm²), irradiance profile (Watts/cm² as a function of time) and the temperature profile (°C as a function of time) are available when the data is transferred to the computer. Profiling radiometers quickly and easily identify:
The number of lamps and bulb type in each position
Lamp focus/Changes to the focus
Process speed and/or exposure time variations
Uniformity of the UV across bulb length
The performance of individual lamps in multi-lamp systems
Maintenance needs before they impact product quality
System changes over time with the comparison to stored files
Size: The PowerMAP II is approximately 60% smaller than the original EIT PowerMAP. Its small compact size of 5.5” x 2.1” x 0.55” (13.8 cm x 5.3 cm x 1.27 cm) allows it to measure UV in areas such as molding lines or chill drums that were not previously accessible
Instrument Responsivity: The PowerMAP II is currently available with EIT UVA, UVB, UVC and UVV in a 10 W/cm² dynamic range
Sample Rate: Instrument has a user adjustable from 128-2048 (Hz) samples per second
Temperature Measurement: The unit supports a J-type thermocouple that is included with the system at a sample rate of 32 Hz
Memory Capacity: The PowerMAP II memory supports 65 minutes of data collection time
Battery: Typical battery life is 100 minutes. Battery is rechargeable via a provided smart charger. With the smart charger, the battery charges in fast mode (+/- 90 minutes). The time to charge via a computer USB port is dependent on USB port
Pause Mode: Allows the user to ‘pause’ the PowerMAP II to collect information on up to eight different UV systems before transferring the data to a computer. When using Pause Mode, the collected data will automatically be broken into individual files. Example of the file structure is shown below
PowerMAP II Brochure
Jul 14, 2021
The LEDCure™ radiometer is designed specifically to accurately measure the energy generated by industrial UV LED systems. The LEDCure provides a patented “Total Measured Optic Response”. Everything in the instrument “optics stack” is included in the overall instrument response, not just the optical filter. The Total Measured Optic Response provides consistent, repeatable and accurate readings run to run, unit to unit and source to source.
Easy to use format, provides Irradiance (W/cm²) and Energy Density (J/cm²) values on the display as well as the irradiance profile. (more…)
The “Standard” version shows all data on the display
The “Profiler” version shows data on the display plus downloads the irradiance profile (Watts/cm² as a function of time) to a computer for further analysis
High dynamic range (40 W/cm²), user changable battery
Available in different LED specific response bands (L-band)
L365 Spectral Response covers 340-392 nm
L385 Spectral Response covers 360-412 nm
L395 Spectral Response covers 370-422 nm
L405 Spectral Response covers 380-432 nm
- LEDCure Profiler Four Band, has all four EIT L-Bands shown above in one unit
The LEDCure Profiler works with EIT’s UV PowerView III or PowerView II software.
LEDCure Brochure