Jul 14, 2021
Up to 10 W/cm² (3 measurement power ranges available), Selectable 4 channel, 250-445nm, available in either Standard version that allows display of data on unit LCD display only, or Profiler version that transfers the data including the irradiance profile to a computer. (more…)
- Used in curing applications of inks, adhesives, soldermasks, and epoxies (not for use in web press applications)
- Incorporates four separate spectral response ranges and measures all four simultaneously
- Display scrolls through UV dosage in Joules/cm2 and peak UV intensity in Watts/cm2 of all four separate UV spectral response ranges
- Measures UV lamp performance (and possible bandwidth shift for doped lamps)
- Compares the efficiencies of different UV curing systems
- Includes carrying case
- Profiler version utilizes EIT’s UV PowerView Software® III that allows for further analysis, comparison and evaluation on a PC.
Operating Ranges:
High Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV: 100-10000 mW/cm²
- UVC: 10-1000 mW/cm²
Mid Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV: 10-1000 mW/cm²
- UVC: 1-100 mW/cm²
Low Power:
- UVA, UVB, UVV, UVC: 1-100 mW/cm²
PowerPuck II /UviCure Plus II Brochure
PowerPuck II Profiler /UviCure Plus II Profiler Brochure
Jul 14, 2021
Replacement filters for SunRay and IntelliRay floods (5pk)
Jul 14, 2021
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 PC Graphical User Interface software for remote control of IntelliRay 400, IntelliRay 600 and IntelliRay Quad flood systems (USB).
Order versions according to following:
Verify the P/N and S/N of the system that the software will be used on. Order V2.40 software for the systems below the S/N range specified:
IntelliRay 400 UV338 – S/N: below 1273
IntelliRay 600 UV832 – S/N: below 1183
IntelliRay 200 UV2018 – S/N: below 1001
IntelliRay Quad UV2591 – S/N: None (see UV527-V440)
Note that V2.40 LabView IntelliRay Interface software supports UV Controller firmware revisions earlier than 3.10.
Verify the P/N and S/N of the system that the software will be used on. Order V310 software for the systems below within the S/N range specified:
IntelliRay 400 UV338 – S/N: 1273 – 1568
IntelliRay 600 UV832 – S/N: 1183 – 1483
IntelliRay 200 UV2018 – S/N: 1001-1024
IntelliRay Quad UV2591 – S/N: None (see UV527-V440)
Note that V3.10 LabView IntelliRay Interface software supports UV Controller firmware revision 3.10.
Verify the P/N and S/N of the system that the software will be used on. Order V4.40 software for the systems below within the S/N range specified:
IntelliRay 400 UV338 – S/N: 1568 – Upcoming
IntelliRay 600 UV832 – S/N: 1484 – Upcoming
IntelliRay 200 UV2018 – S/N: 1025 – Upcoming
IntelliRay Quad UV2591 – S/N: 1001 – Upcoming
Note that V4.40 LabView IntelliRay Interface software supports UV Controller firmware revision 4.40, 4.50, 4.51, 4.52, 4.53 and later.
Jul 14, 2021
Mounting Stand for IntelliRay and SunRay, height adjustable – May also be used with SkyRay 800 and PortaRay.
Related Accessories:
Jul 14, 2021
Flood filter glass for Uvitron IntelliRay and SunRay flood curing systems.
Jul 14, 2021
Used to mount PortaRay lamp head to adjustable height flood stand.
Jul 14, 2021
The ILT800 CureRight is a feature-rich profiling UV radiometer that delivers unmatched flexibility and capability not found in any other system. With a 4.5 decade Detection Range (5 mW/cm² to 40 W/cm²), the ILT800 Radiometer meets a broad range of applications across a variety of light measurement needs. The system has been designed with the varying needs of its users in mind, and can be configured and customized to your unique environment.
The ILT800 CureRight series is designed to measure and validate all types of UV curing methods and sources including conveyor, belt, oven, flood, area, spot, fiber optic, collimated beam, side cure, 180° curing, 3D printing, pulsed and traditional UV lamps, and UV/VIS LEDs & light sources.
The ILT800 CureRight system outperforms the competitors with features such as profiling of current/previous/stored measurements, ability to monitor, measure, view and export the date, time, temperature, irradiance, dose, cal due date, model and serial number, and battery status. User programmable settings include minimum light level threshold, lamp-to-lamp measurement interval (delay), time to auto shutoff, and auto/manual/live measurement modes. The ILT800 is the only radiometer with Device ID which allows users to program up to 20 unique system/source information, allowing users to store and export baselines and historical data for all their curing stations in one economically priced meter. (more…)
- Largest measurement range at 4.5 decades
- 5 mW/cm² to 40 W/cm²
- Effortless results, clear data, easily identifies problem
- Profiling is standard
- 3000 samples per second
- Integration for up to 10 minutes
- Measure pulsed and continuous sources
- Store/Recall up to 1000 profiles
- Mapping: face horizontally, vertically, up or down
- Linear response- no range selection required
- Temperature measurement
- Low battery warning
- Made in USA
- ISO17025
Documents & Dowloads:
Jul 14, 2021
Versatile stainless steel UV curing trays used with Rayven, UV Conveyor 40 Plus & SunBelt BT9 (small tray) and Rayven Quad & SunBelt 25 (large tray) curing systems or for custom curing applications.
EXQUISITE CRAFT – Superb mirror finish non-stick surface. Smooth edges, no rough spots, deep rim with roll edge
HEAVY DUTY – Thick gauge with solid construction resists warping. Feels sturdy when holding in hands
KEEP CLEAN – Full sides all around prevent overflow. Easy clean up, hand-wash, Dishwasher safe
Jul 14, 2021
15ft, 15 pin to 9 pin DSUB control cable.
For remote PC control of IntelliRay curing system
(used in conjunction with UV0527 IntelliRay Interface Software)